I’m a software engineer and researcher currently working at Amazon Web Services in the Automated Reasoning Group. My research interests include program analysis and automated reasoning at scale.
Before joining AWS, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University researching for the Integrated Symbolic Execution for Space-Time Analysis of Code (ISSTAC) project, funded by DARPA STAC. I also worked on a NASA project on safety analysis of flight critical systems.
During my Ph.D., I worked on temporal verification of real-time embedded systems using static analysis and Timed Automata model checking using the UPPAAL model checker.
Outside of work, I enjoy running, photography and reading. Feel free to connect with me on Strava.
I currently have 32 peer-reviewed papers. I will try to keep the following list of publications up to date. You can also have a look at my Google Scholar profile and DBLP record. The copies that can be obtained here are preprints since the copyrights to many of the papers are held by the publishers.
Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services
Postdoctoral Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University
Visiting Researcher, NASA Ames Research Center
Ph.D. Student, Aalborg University
M.Sc. Cum Laude Software Engineering, Aalborg University
B.Sc. Software Engineering, Aalborg University
Drop me an email if you have any questions!